Terms & Conditions

General Terms:

The terms listed and detailed below are an integral part of the trip programs that are advertised on our site, and therefore, signup for a trip of any kind, partial or full payment, or participation in a trip – constitutes your consent to all the terms and information shown on the website.

Signup fees and payment:

Those who sign up for a trip and wish to reserve themselves a spot on one or all the trips, must pay for the trip in full. “Go To USA Tours” coordinators and/or those licensed on the company’s behalf will confirm your payment and participation in the trip with an email that will be sent to the passenger.

The passenger must present the voucher or email that was sent as proof of payment. Every passenger whose sign up for and participation in the trip, whether via website or travel agency, must pay a deposit first, and the rest of the amount upon boarding the bus. Payment in full for the trip in advance is also possible, via the website and in accordance to the company’s rules and regulations.

Changes and Cancellations:

If the participant wishes to cancel his participation, he will do so in writing via the website or email to the company until no less than 2 weeks prior the date of departure of the trip, in order to receive a full refund.

Cancellations made between 2 weeks prior and 3 days prior to the date of trip’s departure will include an additional fee amounting to 50% of the total trip’s fee.

Changes made between two weeks prior and 7 days prior to the date of the trip’s departure will include an additional 50-dollar fee for every participant.

Changes made between 7 days prior and 3 days prior to the date of the trip’s departure will be treated as cancellation of the trip and the participants will be subject to the cancellation fees mentioned above.


Cancellation of a trip or changes of any kind for any reason that are made 3 days or under prior to the trip’s date of departure, or failure of attendance for the trip for any reason (illness, lateness, failure to bring a passport and/or other necessary documentation, weather conditions, etc.), hereby forfeits the passenger’s right to a refund.

Date of cancellation/modification of a trip is the date on which the company received notification of cancellation/modification of the trip via email or website.

The company and its partners are not responsible for injury caused by services purchased by the passenger that are not part of the company’s services, before of after the trip, or services purchased by the passenger throughout the course of the trip, including tours, special events, stays in hotels, etc.

Damage and Insurance:

Damages and/or expenses, as a result of accidents, diseases/illnesses, theft, violence, loss of baggage or documentation, hospitalization, medical expenses, flight tickets, passports and so on and so forth, personal injury or damage to baggage, direct or indirect – do not hold the company and its partners and employees responsible whatsoever.

Let it be known that “Go To USA Tours” is an agent that connects the travelers and the providers of service, including flight companies, cruise companies, car rental companies, hotels, restaurants, parks, attractions, etc. Hence, “Go To USA Tours” is not responsible whatsoever for any errors, faults, delays or lateness and damages that might occur due to partial execution or non-execution of the trips advertised on the company’s website or by the providers of service mentioned above.

The traveler is therefore advised to equip him/her self with personal insurance, medical insurance, or any other appropriate insurance that will cover expenses of damages and events mentioned above.

Participation in the trip:

Organizers of “Go To USA Tours” trips and anyone appointed by the company, including escorts, tour guides, drivers, etc. may reject or cancel registration of any passenger if their judgement, and not others’, deems him/her not suitable for the trip, and are not required to justify their decisions.

“Go To USA Tours” organizers and anyone appointed by the company as mentioned above permitted to stop the participation of any passenger if it causes harm, harassment, verbal or physical violence to other passengers or passersby, and/or disruption of the trips’ proper course.


Lunch meals will be purchased at the traveler’s expense restaurants and such places where the group will stop at, in accordance with the tour guide’s or driver’s decisions and the time frame. The company may supply the group snacks and refreshments, without obligation. It goes without saying that passengers who have special dietary needs and specifications (vegans, vegetarians, allergy to certain foods, etc.) must stock themselves with such, as the company cannot ensure these foods and services, unless arranged beforehand with the company.


All foods, snacks, refreshments and drinks that are served are have a OU or KO kashruth (kosher validity). Passengers may request other preferred kosher specifications and the company will do its best to meet these specifications, but with no obligation if the conditions in the field will allow otherwise.

What’s included in the trip’s price:

  • Lodging in hotels whose rooms are normally equipped with 2 twin size beds. Families larger than 2 people that request to stay in one room will have to make do with the beds in the room or request another bed from the hotel (that may be additionally charged).
  • Tours – see the trip programs on the website
  • Tour Guidance – in Hebrew and English if necessary
  • Logistics – see conditions of trips on the website
  • Transportation – buses, minibuses, vans – in accordance with the company’s decisions

What’s not included in the trip’s price:

Every item that is not listed in the description of the trip’s and accompanied service’s price, including flights to the destinations and rendezvous points – are not included in the price.

  • Insurance – it is recommended to arrange personal and medical insurance. Travelers and their luggage are not insured.
  • Free Time – pastimes and recreational activity that are enjoyed individually by the travelers are not funded by the company and are not included in the price of the trip. These activities are recommended only and are at the traveler’s expense.
  • Tips are not included in the price of the trip. It is recommended to tip the tour guide and driver for every day of the trip (the amount will be decided by the group).

These include:

Prices, dates, partial or full execution of the trip – in accordance with the company’s decisions, its representatives or those authorized by it as per circumstances.

Details of the trip’s programs, tours and events are for framework and information purposes only. The company’s organizers are not responsible for information given by sources other than the company itself, whether incorrect or contradictory.

These terms and conditions are an integral part of the trip program that is advertised on the website or anywhere that represents the company, and registration for a trip, payment of the deposit and/or participation in a trip constitutes the traveler’s agreement to the terms and conditions mentioned above or in any place that represents the company.